BABBs February: Pale, Bitter, and Brown Ales

BABBs meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month (except December) at Coorparoo School of Arts Hall, 210 Cavendish Rd, Coorparoo QLD 4151. Each one has a different focus, but all involve talking about the making of beer in a relaxed atmosphere. Arrive at 7pm, for a 7:30pm start to the meeting.
Guests are always welcome, total beginners or seasoned brewers alike! Come along and see what it’s all about. We ask that you contribute $5 toward snacks and room hire.
THIS MONTH’S MEETING is the Pale, Bitter, and Brown Ales mini-competition. Join us as we judge the beers together in a relaxed setting with guidance from our own BJCP certified judges. If you would like to enter, bring along a bottle of your home brewed beer for anonymous constructive feedback. See categories below.
See here for more information about the club:
Join us on Instagram:
Categories being judged:
- 11A Ordinary Bitter
- 11B Best Bitter
- 11C Strong Bitter
- 12A British Golden Ale
- 12B Australian Sparkling Ale
- 13A Dark Mild
- 13B British Brown Ale
- 18B American Pale Ale
- 19A American Amber Ale
For details see BJCP 2021 guidelines: