BABBs Club Championships
The Club Championship is our own Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) registered competition, open to BABBs members only. Being BJCP registered means that is run to a strict set of guidelines, and uses BJCP accredited judges. The competition is a great way to receive reliable feedback about your beers, and have a chance to win some nice prizes. The comp is held in the lead up to Queensland Amateur Brewing Championships (QABC), and as such provides valuable feedback for those going on to state level.
The Club Championship also serves an important educational role in the club by helping members learn about competition entry, training new judges and stewards, and improving the experience of current judges.
WANT TO GET INVOLVED as a judge or steward? Please email Tony, our Chief Steward.
Will be accepted up until the 29th of June directly to Ballistic Brewery, OR to the BABBs June meeting. Bottles dropped at Ballistic MUST BE LABELLED correctly. Registration will be completed online, and the link will be available on our website closer to the date of the comp.
This competition is for BABBs MEMBERS ONLY.
Champion Beer for the Best Of Show
Champion Beermaker for the highest overall placings
Champion Stoutmaker Porter and Stouts over two subclasses
Champion Lager for the best overall Lager
Champion Novice for the best novice entry