Posted: March 30, 2023
By Nick Holt Late last year, Phil and Dan from Hiker Brewing in Salisbury asked BABBs to collaborate on a GABS beer this year. They asked us to come up with a concept and they would help us make it. For those who haven’t attended a GABS, it is a beer festival held in Brisbane, …
Posted: April 23, 2021
A brief memoir by Liam Anderson One of my favourite things to do this past year has been to remind friends (and any captive audience) about the beer-centric trip around parts of Europe my excellent wife took me on at the turn of 2019/2020. I will spare you the details about our travels through Denmark, …
Posted: November 19, 2020
A history of the club wild brew project by Stephen Wharton and Dion Clark The Backstory Back in early 2010 the then head brewer of Mount Tambourine Brewery and active BABBs member, Ian Watson, raised the idea of a solera style brewing project for the club. Members would brew a barrel’s worth of strong ale …
Posted: May 14, 2020
by Dion Clark Steve from Hilltops very generously hand delivered three pots of Chinook hop plants to my door recently. As a token of my gratitude, and in normal home brewer fashion I gave him a couple of bottles of my current beers; a Citra-Simcoe Kveik Golden Ale, and a Bretted Table Saison. He quite …
Posted: September 23, 2019
By Steve “Snow” Wharton The annual Queensland Amateur Brewing Championships (QABC) were held recently at Newstead Brewing Co in Milton. The largest event in the competition’s history, 483 beer, cider, and mead entries were brewed, served and judged by 199 participants over 2 days. I personally feel it was the best run competition I have …
Posted: February 10, 2019
By Mish Woodhouse. This winter we thought we’d duck the cold and head over to Europe for 7 weeks, my cousin was getting married in England in the 7th week, so we thought we’d make the most of the airfare and time zone difference, by spending the first 5 weeks in Europe, before heading on …
Posted: October 30, 2017
By Mish “Mash” Woodhouse. The weather was ominous but the mood was positive as Donna, Anna and I started setting up for Womens Brew Day (#WBD2017). Ben, legendary distiller and owner of Humpybong assisted in erecting a marquee to keep us dry, and keep our brews safe from diluting. Ladies started arriving a little after …
Posted: August 22, 2017
By Steve Wharton (Snow). On the morning of Saturday 5th August, a number of BABBs members tuned up to Dan Angus’ place in East Brisbane to conduct a mass brewing demonstration. The aim of the day was to brew the same recipe on multiple systems, with each recipe using a different base malt, to eventually …