May 28, 2020



BABBs May: Mash Paddle Entry and Tasting

May social meeting and MASH PADDLE entry. Bring along your mash paddle entries tonight, along with some extra bottles for tasting by members for the Mash Paddle Member’s Choice Award!


Wait, what is the Mash Paddle?


Mash paddle entries will be taken off to The Scratch for judging. Winners get to brew their beer at one of our sponsor breweries Semi-pro, Whites Lies, Revel, and Ballistic – and later go on tap at our mash paddle event in October (date TBA).


YOUR FAVOURITE BAND is the theme. Remember that these will not be judged to BJCP criteria, but by The Scratch staff. Only BABBS members may enter. 


BABBS meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Coorparoo Bowls Club, Riddings St Coorparoo (upstairs). We start from 7pm, for a 7:30pm kick off to the meeting.


Food and drinks are available from the bowls club downstairs, head upstairs for our club meeting.The club is close to Coorparoo Station, and the 61, 222, 204, and 185 bus routes, all about 15 minutes travel from Roma St / City.


Guests are welcome, and can participate for the small fee of $5.