July 20, 2020 By Nick Holt Are your beers scoring low 30’s and fault free, but your not getting those competition wins? Take heart, these scores are a sign you are really a good brewer. When a judge...
September 23, 2019 By Steve “Snow” Wharton The annual Queensland Amateur Brewing Championships (QABC) were held recently at Newstead Brewing Co in Milton. The largest event in the competition’s history,...
August 23, 2019 by Tony Van Der Linden Our Club’s annual competition was judged again back on Saturday 6th July. The folks at Ballistic Brewing at Salisbury were kind enough to host us on judging day for...
August 14, 2018 By Nick Holt. As a club we have spent a lot of time in mini-comps talking about how to fill in a scoresheet, and I have previously written about the importance of understanding how to do...